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Medical and health care raw ma

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Marka powder


[Product name]: Marka powder

[Plant Source]: Root of the Peruvian plant Marka Maca

[External view]: Light brown powder

[Regulation]: 100 % pure powder

[Package]: 25KG / bucket

[Use Road]: 1, anti-fatigue, increase energy, physical strength-the amino acids, mineral zinc, Taurine and other ingredients in the Marka can significantly fight fatigue.

2, improve sexual function, increase sperm number, improve sperm vitality-unique biological substances, macalene, macalamide, conducive to erectile function, improve sperm number and active ability.

3, regulate the endocrine system, balance Heermeng——maqia's various alkaloids acting on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, regulate the functions of the adrenal gland, pancreas, testicles, etc., to achieve balanced hormone levels.

4, tonic kidney strong Yang, impotence premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, new generation delay, pure plant extraction, magical medicinal plant-MACA natural Viagra.

5, regulate endocrine, fight menopausal syndrome-Maka's various alkaloids can regulate the function of the adrenal gland, pancreas, ovary and other functions, balance the hormone level in the body, rich Taurine, protein, etc. can regulate and repair physiological functions, improve Qi and blood and relieve menopausal symptoms.

6, enhance immune function, anti-fatigue, anti-anemia-Maka contains a high amount of iron, protein, amino acid, mineral zinc can help strengthen the immune system, improve the body's resistance to disease, fight fatigue, improve anemia symptoms.
