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Medical and health care raw ma

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Mulberry teaf


[Product Name]: Mulberry Leaf Extract

[English name]: Mulberry teaf

Plant Source: This product comes from the leaves of Sangkeluoye's mulberry tree mulberry

[External view]: yellow-green or light brown-yellow powder

[Points]: Containing oxogenosterone, defoliated sterone, Rosin, xanthocyanin, Umbelliferate, etc..

[Regulation]: 1 % DNJ Nojishimycin

[Use the way]: Evacuate the wind and heat, clear lungs, clear liver and clear eyes. It is used for wind fever and cold, hot cough, headache and dizziness, and Halo. The utility model relates to a mulberry leaf extract with medical care effect, its preparation method and application. The extract contains mulberry leaf flavonoids, mulberry leaf polyphenols, Sangyeduotang, DNJ, GABA and other physiologically active substances for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, obesity and anti-aging.
