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Cosmetic raw materials

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Ask Jing extract


[Product name]: Ask Jing extract

[Plant Source]: This product was obtained from the extraction of whole grass from the plant of the genus Polygonaceae.

[External view]: Light brown powder

[Regulation]: Ratio

[Package]: 25 kg/barrel

[Research Progress]: Equisetum arvinse, an herb that dates back at least to ancient Rome and Greece, has traditionally been used to stop bleeding, treat ulcers and injuries, and treat tuberculosis and kidney diseases. Today, asking Jing still has medical value. The plant's stem contains a large amount of silicone and silicate, which helps repair fractures and form collagen, an important protein found in connective tissue, skin, bones, cartilage, and ligaments. It is also used to treat urinary tract infections, kidney and bladder stones, and as a local treatment for burns and injuries.
